My Sheep know my Voice! “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. 28 And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. 30 I and My Father are one.”

JOHN 10:27


First and the Last Final Call (Voice of Scripture)

The sovereign Creator spoke and Light was made.

Born in the third world, not too long ago, our ancestors embraced few generations before us; Christian-religious faith, for both spiritual and encouraging worldly reasons.

Christianity that originated in Jerusalem, from the Hebrew Apostles of Christ, spread greater and faster than a wild fire, to every continent of the Globe.

According to the Apostles of Christ, this unquenchable substance of Faith, the true resource of our Redemption through Grace, still a mystery to the majority of humans alive on earth today…

Reading the history of the Hebrew nation from the time of Abram to Christ; spans a period of 2000 years; humans were worshipping all kinds of Deities.

Hebrew scripture proclaims with certainty; God of Hebrews is the true God of creation, and the nation of Israel was delivered from the hands of the Enemy of our soul. This is the prince of this world, the prince of Darkness

Any human soul that has received the Baptism Pentecost, truly believes in their heart, spoken word of God was made flesh in the beloved son of the Almighty. As prophesized in Hebrew scripture, the life span of the human species on earth is limited, until redeemed by the “lamb of God” through the sacrifice at Calvary.

So, the new way of Judaism, rejected by the Hebrew nation is the only gateway to our Father.     

Arrival of Christ on earth; was the beginning of the Period of Grace, fulfilling the covenant made by our Maker with all the nations of the earth.

According to Apostolic Christianity; today the “the faithful” to the creator, immersed in the written word (Faith), are eagerly waiting, for the greatest event promised for the Human race. The rapture of the Faithful.

How does Faith work?

Apostolic Christianity: Apostle Paul writes to the Galatians 3:11, Clearly no one who relies on the law is justified before God, because “the righteous will live by faith.”

The Faithful understands this as our Flesh and Bone (bodies) are supporting the operation of the Spirit with power and authority poured upon Humanity, through the Baptism, we have received on the day of Pentecost. 

Today we see, the results of the misinterpretation of the Hebrew word Faith, by the missionaries who accompanied the nations that colonized the non-Christian world.

The theology and the wisdom of the missionaries, who hijacked Apostolic Christianity, did not justify the true revelation of Faith (“Emunah”), for which the Apostles of Christ were martyred.

Scripture reveals to the Faithful to Christ; Through this substance of Faith, the legacy of the Martyred Faithful, are still alive in the Organism that was born on the day of Pentecost. [B]

The Hebrew word [EMUNAH]; translated by the scholars of modern-day academia is an activity, “Faith”, a mere mental exercise for a reader who has not experienced the Baptism of Pentecost.

“True-Faith” in the heart of the faithful, who have received the Baptism of Pentecost, is the new life in Christ.

This new-faith in the heart of the faithful supports the will of our Maker,

Our human mind or wisdom has nothing to do with the work accomplished by our Maker in the life of the servants.  

Today three billion humans have embraced the Christian faith, out numbering all other faiths or religions around the globe.

True redemptive faith began from the break-away group of 12 Hebrew Apostles who were kissed and loved by Christ; the “Holy one of Israel”. [B]

Though Abram was the first human soul to exercise the action of Faith of Redemptive power of our Maker; through the day of Pentecost; 3000 humans received the “Gift of Faith”, that no other religious group, including the Hebrews have ever known! 

So, the Apostolic faith is the purest substance of faith a human can re- activate in a human soul! 

Why re-activate?

The English translation of the Hebrew scripture word “EMUNA” is Faith.

The Hebrew scripture dictates the word “emuna” as an action supporting their Creator, and no other words are used for the “Faithfulness” of our Creator upon mankind.

God operating in the human heart is the only activity of Faith!    

Faith is not a mental activity of mankind, as taught to humanity through the academia and theology of the religious clergy.

Only Apostolic Christianity preached before the first century after Pentecost, re-activates the Faith in us as true-supporters of the one who reigns in our heart.

This is Apostolic body of Christianity, operating on earth today as the Faithful Bride for Christ, who shall return to fulfill the promise for Israel.  

The Religious- faith we inherited from our parents, coming from the Clergy of the religious faith, with theological explanations built around Doctrines and Dogmas, by the hierarchies of the Clergy are engineered to live a life on this earth, with the hope of heaven after death. [A].

John 14:23, “Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.”

Apostolic Christianity is Scripture as is; for a human who is not re-born of Christ; word “Faith” is exactly what it means in the English language.

“Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.” This is purely a “Mental exercise”.

The Spirit of Redemption is Living Faith.

Sovereign creator is purely spirit. Light is the first mentioned matter in scripture!

Logically, the three dimensions of matter; Length, breath and height are the three dimensions, we humans are taught to exist.

The beginning with light, matter was spirit, spiritual dimensions are realms without boundaries.

The bible records; First day: the element, Hydrogen atom is the smallest particle size, we humans have animated theoretically, light particles are considered even smaller units, so, all matter is Light.

Second day: Scripture documents Water, suggesting the creation of Oxygen, more light particles arranged and moving and designed to sustain life.

Finally, as the Sixth realm, our sovereign Maker builds a living dwelling for Himself with all the elements created for his purpose.;

Prophet Isaiah was used to announce the prophesy, Heaven is my Throne and earth as his foot- stool

Human becoming the creator’s dwelling place on planet earth. [B]

Isaiah 66:1-2, “Thus says the Lord:

“Heaven is My throne,
And earth is My footstool.
Where is the house that you will build Me?
And where is the place of My rest?
For all those things My hand has made,
And all those things exist,”
Says the Lord.
“But on this one will I look:
On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit,
And who trembles at My word.

Third day: Scripture documents “Vegetation”, suggesting Carbon, formless organic matter.    

First, second, and third-days documents, earth as formless.

Fourth day, planets were placed in their vaults, including the Sun, a ball of Hydrogen gas.

Un-faithful to the creator, un-believers of the spiritual beginning are made to believe, sun as a beginning and a reason for all life. 

Logical mind cannot comprehend this written sequence, only a redeemed human soul, with the baptism of Pentecost, the same baptism received by the Jewish Rabbi Yeshua at the age of 30. [A]

This shall be the first experience with the voice of the 66 books of Scripture!       

Scripture is very specific of how the worlds were framed. Human was the last created organism, from the elements (Dust), and nothing was created after ADAM. [B]

The human realm had a beginning, and shall end!

Our beginning is not animals, all animals were made as their own entities for purposes of their Maker.

Man was made supreme, dwelling place, self-sufficient to live forever! [B]  

Scripture documents: Man was made on the sixth day.

All other living was complete on the fifth day.

So, the last dimension six is human with the Maker’s Emblem as “Soul” [A]  

Seventh day was made as Sabbath Rest, made for man as Rest.

So, the Seventh and perfect life of God is the Seventh Living Dimension of our Sovereign Creator, the Resting place for humanity.

So, there is no other place in the universe, where one will find this living God, only in his supreme creation “The Human being”.

So, for a believer in Christ born of Pentecost, the mystery of our redemption is the free gift of faith from eternity.  

Adam was the Resting place, or the seventh Dimension of creation, complete and perfect house for the sovereign Creator of the universe. We humans were made to live forever in the Paradise Earth. 

The tree of life documented in scripture is the beginning for mankind, while many other living trees were present at the garden where human was placed.

The command given to Adam, was not to touch the tree in the middle of the garden, the very tree of Knowledge, Eve our first mother decided to feed from. We inherited death as a consequence. 

 Our beginning was the fall of Adam. So, we have to be redeemed, as promised to Adam.

We humans, are born through parents, to some place on this earth. The choice is entirely the maker of our soul. Our soul has no gender.

So, we are made in his image, this is the image of our soul. Adam and Eve our first parents were made so different, yet our soul is the splitting image of our Maker.    

More and more we read scripture, we continue to understand how a Creator methodically came up with a dwelling place for him to Rest from all the work of creation.

As for humans, matter cannot be created nor destroyed, everything happening on earth is a transference of one energy state to another.

Example; Water is made of two atoms of Hydrogen and one atom of Oxygen.

We Humans did not know the elemental-light formation structure of water till the 15th century after Christ.

In gaseous state, moisture or water vapor is not visible to the human eye until it condenses to liquid.

For the average human, water appearing as dew is not a miracle even though water appeared from nowhere.

Grace appearing in our lives after the day Pentecost is like the dew settling in our hearts.

This grace, only appears in the heart of a faithful who has embraced scripture and found the treasure hidden.

This secret was also not known to humanity till the 15th century after Christ.

This is not a coincidence, but a truth written in scripture before the worlds were framed.

The timing of the Almighty is flawless, the children re-born to His spirit is already counted.

This is the Book of life, Living Scripture. [A]

Scripture defines the days of Creation in Genesis, simple Pure Math and Elemental Chemistry are two subjects that defines Truth for the Faithful. All other academia is obsolete knowledge for those who love their Creator.

Moses was able to record every detail without any error, given to him on mount Sinai to lead a nation out of Egypt to a promised land. He accomplished this mission, purely in obedience to a voice spoken to his heart. [B] 

The faithful Lack nothing on this earth as long as they trust and obey Scripture.      

This is exactly what the scripture is for a fraction of humans on earth who shall see the Kingdom of God appearing before their eyes on earth.

Even though many believe Christ as their Savior, only a handful believes, Scripture as the Absolute Truth.

Beginning with Genesis: God created the heavens and the earth. Man was created on the 6th day, God rested on the 7th day.

For the Faithful who truly believe scripture; the sequence of creation, mentioned as days of creation, each day is a new Realm of the process of creation.          

Scripture says animals with Blood were created on the fifth day. Making the fifth Dimension for life on earth.

Creator of humanity used Moses to rescue the Nation of Hebrews from the strongholds of the surrounding human kingdoms, to bring forth a proto-type Kingdom of God on earth.

For the Faithful of the Creator, the history of this nation, how He rescued them, how He would Bless all nations through them is the Absolute truth of Scripture.   

A fraction of other nations, with a remnant of the Jews have believed the message as the prophesy for Mankind.

66 books of scripture were compiled before the First century after Christ as living Scripture, scripture was not available to all mankind until the eighteenth century after Christ.

The scripture documents the sixth day when man was made, making human blood a Realm higher than all other creatures with blood.

The Chemistry of this blood is unknown to humans, only because the human heart that pumps this blood is equipped with 46 Chromosomes and a perpetual heart beat to last 1000 years, before the fall of Adam. The Blood of human is laced with the eternal ingredient “faith” from the seventh dimension.

Humans have nothing to reason, just be still and know that He is God. Romans, 10:17, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

No logic can explain the number correlation and the chemistry of Scripture, God abiding in the heart of a human.

46 is the number of Chromosomes of a living Human (Journal of Science),

ISAIAH 46:9 – 46th chapter of the 66 chapters of the book of Isaiah.
Remember the former things of old (penultimate-dimension): for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,

I CORINTHIANS 8:4 – 46th book of the 66 books of the Bible.
…we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one.

All this knowledge and Wisdom of our creator is sealed as the 5 books of Wisdom, before raising the Human to the 6th dimension of creation.

All this knowledge is like circuit drawings, already perfected and placed in scripture for the children who will find them when they seek for Him in scripture.

Why sixth Dimension?

Sixth-day – Human was made. So, 6 is the Number for Man. The seventh day is still on.

66 – number of Circuit Drawings completing the full life span and the end for mankind, revealing to the faithful, “there is nothing before scripture and nothing after scripture”. [A]

Psalm 86:11-13, “Teach me Your way, O Lord;
I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name.
12 I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart,
And I will glorify Your name forevermore.
13 For great is Your mercy toward me,
And You have delivered my soul from the depths of Sheol.”

The two milestones recorded in scripture, for the human race; fall of man and the day of Pentecost.

Revealed to a Christian with the baptism of Pentecost; Fall of man is attributed to Vanity of the Human heart, and the Redemption of mankind back to the original state is the gift of “Long suffering” or Humility, poured upon humanity on the day of Pentecost. [B]

 The healing of the corrupted human heart is inversely proportional to Humility. This constant God/Humility is the unknown constant. Christians call it “Holy Spirit”. [B]

Through Adam, we lost the Holy Spirit, and through Jesus we received back the eternal constant (God/Humility}.          

This is true life scripture; everything living had a beginning and must die and decay. According to scripture, man is the last to arrive on planet earth, and there shall be an end to Mankind.

Spirit that began the universe has no beginning or end!

Man has a beginning and end in his creator.

Revelation 22:12, “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.”

So, the Creator of the universe is purely SPIRIT.

The Work of Creation ended on the 6th day, duplicating God Himself (as the Father of humanity) as the first human Adam.

So, Jesus was the Light separated on the First day of creation, through all things were made. According to the Gospel of John, Revelation of this Light to Human is our Redemption!

No where in the universe, is the dwelling place of our eternal Creator. The breath of our Maker was inspired to humanity. 

Adam lost the power-house of eternity, eating from the prohibited tree!

Very same moment in eternity, our maker promised a redeemer for mankind. Temporary atonement for his sin was revealed to Adam, using the sinless blood of Animals. The story of Cain and Abel is the revelation of this promise to all mankind. [B]

2000 years to date: True redemption process was completed and accomplished by “Jesus”. [A]       

John 19:30, “when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.”

The Work of his Father was completed on the cross! [B]

From the day of Abram, Jacob, Moses and David, the law that judged the Hebrews were fulfilled in Jesus as the ultimate judge for all humanity.

From the Day of Pentecost; there were no need for Sacrifice or Priesthood. The redeemer himself made a dwelling in the heart of man!

So, the greatest Miracle, performed on humanity by our Maker is our Redemption! 

Reference [A] 66 Bones That Saw No Decay by Lucky N Xulon press 2018.

Reference [B]                                                                                                                                         

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