Exodus 10:21-26, “Then the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand toward the sky so that darkness spreads over Egypt—darkness that can be felt.” 22 So Moses stretched out his hand toward the sky, and total darkness covered all Egypt for three days. 23 No one could see anyone else or move about for three days. Yet all the Israelites had light in the places where they lived.”
“I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the LORD.” (Exodus 12:12)
For an average human, when you hear the word darkness, it is the absence of daylight.
Day dreaming on the Phrases given to Moses as the Beginning, the written word; before I received my Baptism of Pentecost, my logical mind, without my Lord operating in me, the written word was nothing but a story without any revelation of the Spirit.
Today, as I read the logic written by the greatest philosophers, theologians and bible scholars; they are all stemming from the “tree of knowledge”, rooting to the word “Darkness”.
For a Christian born of the spirit of Pentecost, darkness is the enemy of the Sovereign Creator God and the only enemy of our soul, who snared our first mother to lose the pure light of Christ, she was made with. Eve was made “Holy”, but to be unholy forever. Darkness to reign throughout mankind.
The whole human race was in the darkness until the day of Pentecost!
Today, all humanity is still in darkness until their soul accept the free gift of “Faith” through the “Helper” sent upon humanity by the redeemer of humanity.
Unlike Adam, first son of God, Eve was not made of the elements, she was made of pure Light that was separated from “Darkness” on the first day of creation.
Why did the Sovereign God begin the work of creation?
Day dreaming the Phrases given to Moses as the Beginning, the written word; before I received my Baptism of Pentecost, my logical mind, without my Lord operating in me, the written word was nothing but a story without an Author to the written word.
Today, as I read the logic written by the greatest philosophers, theologians and bible scholars; the doctrines and human reasoning are all stemming from the “tree of knowledge”, rooting to the word “Darkness”.
The Zillion Dollar question for all humanity: is our soul in the Light or in the Darkness?
The answer to the above question is only revealed in Scripture. This revelation separates the whole humanity into two groups;
The Faithful and the Faithless to a sovereign Creator. [B]
The Faithful Believe without a shadow of doubt that we have One Father and one Single Human Race.
The Faithless Believe; our origin is from the Apes and humanity have many Races, originating from many different Mothers. (including mother Earth)
Apostolic Christianity is everything to do with the human Blood: The blood of the Faithful shall live and the Faithless Will Decay!
True Christianity is the dynamic and the powerful transformation of the Human Heart to an Everlasting Temple for the Maker of Humanity to operate on earth.
Faith that came upon humanity on the day of Pentecost is our first Resurrection revealed in scripture as our rebirth in Christ.
Christ, while on earth, proclaimed with his lips: “Gaining the whole world and losing the Soul is the path to Decay.” [A] Mark 8:36, “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?”
For the material world, if our Eyes cannot, see? nothing exists? So, Christianity is everything about the SOUL of Man that no one can Fathom. Ecclesiastes 3:11, “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”
So, if our soul is in Christ? Darkness has no power over us! This is Apostolic Christianity. [A]
Since Christ came on earth; He recruited an Army of Souls to fill the ranks of His Platoon for the Final war against the Rulers of Darkness. Ephesians 6:10, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
Since the beginning of the 3rd Century after the day of Pentecost, Apostolic Christianity was not seen by the world. The light of Christ revealed in Scripture was not visible to humanity. True Apostolic Christianity (Apostolic Faith) is the Work of the Helper sent upon Humanity on the day of Pentecost.
Colonial Christianity; beginning with the Roman Emperor Constantine, still claims the Rights to Apostolic Christianity on paper with intellectual reasoning with the logic of continuity with the Apostles of Christ. [B]
So, for a Christian born of Pentecost, the pure light was returned to mankind on 33AD. as the gift of “Faith”, for all those who believed the Death, resurrection and the “Forgiveness” project prepared for all mankind.
The Simple Scriptural explanation to the difference between the two Faiths is; Apostolic Christianity is Rooted to the Tree of Life (Light)and the Colonial Christianity of the learned is from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (Darkness) described in the first book of Scripture (Genesis).
Our first parents embraced the Tree of Knowledge instead of the Tree of Life.
At the beginning of the 3rd Century after Pentecost, Apostolic Christianity was Hijacked by the Roman Authorities (Colonizers and Rulers of Humanity). They were the “ultimate power” of the continents and the territories captured by Alexander the Greek, before the emergence of the Roman Empire. [B]
For Christians; God of Hebrews is the God of Creation and Scripture is the Source of this Light of the Creation. [B]
Only those baptized through the Baptism of Pentecost have the Light of Christ. [B]
Exodus 10:21-26, “Then the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand toward the sky so that darkness spreads over Egypt—darkness that can be felt.” 22 So Moses stretched out his hand toward the sky, and total darkness covered all Egypt for three days. 23 No one could see anyone else or move about for three days. Yet all the Israelites had light in the places where they lived.”
Everything God did with the Israelites is the snapshot version of our Salvation! Apostolic Christianity.
Revealed to the Faithful through Baptism of Pentecost:
The word Egypt -Abram was called out from the World (word Egypt reveals to the faithful as the world)
The word Darkness – without Light are the Faithless, the enemy and his rebellious angels (Faithful are full of Light-Life and faithless are Dead or partly dead or lifeless)
The word Sky – reveals to the faithful another Realm separating the Spirit from Mortal, separated by a Chasm. [B]
The word Light– Life of Christ (God) in Human, reveals to the faithful as the Light of Men (Jesus- Scripture)
The word Three days – The death and resurrection of Jesus – the Period of Grace for the Gentiles to come from Darkness into the Light. Today shall be the eleventh hour of the seventh day of Logos.
Apostolic Christianity was full of Light (Hearts on Fire) with the Baptism of Pentecost till the beginning of the 3rd Century, until the Colonial Faith [B] Hijacked Christianity [B].
Darkness was the penultimate Plague that took over the world around the Israelites. This Plague did not touch the Israelites. When the Scripture describe Darkness as a Plague, which means, Darkness was not a Vacuum, but a Spiritual realm of another power felt by human senses, forced upon humanity.
Creation is a progression of Realms; the seventh day is the final realm when God Rested. [B]
Darkness was the first Realm separated from Light at the beginning.
Human Adam was the last and the final sixth (6) Realm of Creation. [B]
All other life-creatures were made on the fifth realm of creation.
Sun, moon and the Stars including the Paradise Earth were the fourth day, becoming the fourth Realm.
Vegetation on the on the third day, living matter originated from the Spirit. This is the only scriptural explanation for the Organic Fossil Fuel beneath the earth, I would expect zillions of single strand life-forms got buried with the vegetation. These living strands are popping out at scheduled times on the seventh day. Thousands of these living strands, scripture describes them as Plagues are scheduled to arrive on earth, only if the Maker has scheduled them, before he rested on the human in the seventh day.
Humans have no knowledge or the power to stop their arrival! We call them New super-bugs; they are older than humanity.
It was on the third day; The Tree of life (Jesus) came alive. Nothing was made without him.
Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil- Darkness without Light.
So, for the faithful of the Scripture, plague (darkness) is not just a virus, it also has a Spiritual link, only overcome by the Spirit of Light (Spirit of Men described in scripture as Jesus), our only Immunity [B]
Here is what the Scripture say about the Light and Darkness? 1 John 3: “Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
The nation of Hebrews was a small component of the human race when Jesus appeared on earth. The world was dominated by the Greek-Roman sun gods, idols from the mystic world of Alexander the Great.
{500 years before Christ arrived on earth, humanity was getting the wind of Theology, through Philosophers of humanity coming up with theories of reaching the state of rest for the human soul, rebirth and tranquility, they grew into major religions of Jainism, Hinduism and Buddhism. The base of all human knowledge is the tree of knowledge dominated by Darkness}
The plague of Darkness on Egyptians was a sign to the world, God of Hebrews was the Power over all living.
Important for us to note; that the Plague of Darkness was the last plague before the final Plague of Death on the slave masters of world.
What is Death?
Death occurs if we are unable to Breath.
Breathing is the only way to Oxygenate the Blood. If the heart pump is unable to get the Blood to the cells, cell function is reduced and ultimately the cell activity shall come to an end.
So, dying is also a process.
Scripture says; The life of a creature is the Blood. Leviticus 17:11, “For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.”
So, life of all Human Blood is the Life of our Maker originating from the tree of Life, now to be redeemed back to our Maker by His only Son. (Christ).
Moses had no clue to what he wrote, only today after the day of Pentecost, humans have the power to discern the living Word. They sacrificed animals as they were told, until the final purest sacrifice of His Son was done on the Cross.
Jesus laid down his life in obedience to his Father.
The Blood of human is another Realm above the Animal Blood. Adam received His life when God Breathed into his Nostrils the Living Breath of God.
God breathing on Adam’s Blood, transformed his blood to the Blood of his Maker.
So, every Male born of Eve is a duplicate of Adam (God), and Every Female is the Helper for the Male to procreate a new life on Earth, with the Blood of Adam.
Today, the world around us proclaims every human is equal, Scripture says Adam was made in the Image of God. Eve was made from Adam, as a Helper to accomplish the will of the Creator.
According to Scripture, humanity is one race coming down the lineage of Adam whose Father was our Maker. Adam had no mother.
We did not come from the Apes!
This is the fine line of separation of the Faithful from the Faithless.
Matthew 25:31, “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. 32 All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. 33 And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. 34 Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” separation of Goats from the Sheep on the final judgement day, revealed to the faithful as the second resurrection.
So, every human egg, from Adam to the last man to be born to this earth was logistically placed in Eve to be seeded with the seed of Adam to arrive on earth as to the schedule of the Creator.
So, the Third person present at the moment of Human conception is God through Adam. God himself knits us in our mother for 9 long months, and then accompanies us into the world, operates in our lives till we begin to reason by our-self. [B]
God was with Adam and Eve until the day they disobeyed his Will.
Doctrine of the Apostles is Simple, Pure and without any Mystery: 66 books of Scripture are our Salvation in Letter. The Four Gospels are the Life of Jesus in Flesh. The Old Testament is the Law and the New Testament is the fulfilment of the Law.
The Helper sent upon the Apostles is the Spirit of the resurrected Christ.
No one could recognize the Voice of our maker without the Baptism of Pentecost.
Nothing is hidden from the Faithful. The five books of Wisdom in the scripture (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon) did not originate from human reasoning. They were fire-proofed by the Maker of Adam before the foundation of the earth,
The word Virus is not in the Scripture. The reasons and the solution to Plagues are well documented in the books of Wisdom of the Maker. [B]
So, for the Faithful of the Creator, this is nothing new, not different to the Plague of Darkness that was upon the world before the deliverance of the Israelites to a promised land.
Few things we know about the plagues through Scripture: it is a form of life created before humanity, it can multiply in milli-seconds, it needs a living space. It has to run the full course of their life-span scheduled by a creator. The Plagues do not need humans for their survival, we happened to be in their way. This is not different to man encroaching on animal habitats.
According to Scripture every life form has to run the course set by the Maker, humans have no power to alter the schedule of the will of a Sovereign Creator.
Faithful believe, it is a Plague, it has come upon as scheduled by the Maker. the Sovereign Creator has already provided the escape for Humanity. This escape is Christianity or new Judaism.
Scripture says: Adam (Humanity) was Made (not created) by one Sovereign God who is Jealous of his Children. The children of God are the Faithful of the Creator.
Faithless of God have abandoned the Light in them.
According to Apostolic Christianity: only the Baptism of Pentecost is able to rekindle the fire in them to Disarm the stronghold of Darkness in the Faithless. [B]
95% of humanity have opted to be in the Darkness (Faithless).
Today 2025, nothing has changed the will of our father in eternity, for the faithful who have answered the call of the son of righteousness, the promise of new Judaism, begun by the Apostles of Christ, is for all mankind through the Helper sent on the day of Pentecost. The whole world is in Darkness, men cannot see the target. Our sin is missing the Revelation of Jesus the “prince of peace”. The only way we can see the target is through the light of Christ born in our hearts by embracing the Bible.
Reference [A] 66 Bones That Saw No Decay -LuckyN – Xulon Press 2018.
Reference [B] Lucky’s Blog