Born in Bethlehem (house of Bread), Jesus in Flesh and Blood, was the son of Joseph and Mary, only for Thirty-three years.

Unless this Blood of human is turned to Spirit? All human flesh and blood are turned to the basic element Carbon (revealed as Dust in the Bible). [B]

At the Jordon River, the true father of all humanity declared to the world; with the Baptism of his second Adam, as his very own son. [A]

Human Jesus was re-born of the Spirit of His Father, (Water turning to Wine), to begin his Father’s purpose (Will) for mankind. [B]

When the mother of Jesus pleaded with him to resolve an issue; His reply was, John 2:4. “Woman, what have I to do with thee? Mine hour is not yet come.”   

Reveals to the faithful, the first miracle, Jesus performed at the wedding feast at Cana is the full episode for all mankind in a “nut-shell”. The day of the Lord in Scripture shall be His hour!

Sealed as scripture; full journey for Mankind on earth, the two notable milestones recorded in scripture, for the human race, first the fall of man, and then the day of Pentecost and finally, shall be the milestone “Rapture”.

Revealed to a Christian with the baptism of Pentecost; Fall of man is attributed to Vanity of the Human heart, and the Redemption of mankind back to the original state is the gift of “Long suffering” revealed as Humility, poured upon humanity on the day of Pentecost.

Man born of water, changed to God-like Spirit (shall be our first resurrection, like Jesus). [B]

The healing of the corrupted (Vexed) human heart is inversely proportional to Humility. This constant, God/Human is the unknown Spirituality (CHRIST). Christians call Him “Holy Spirit”. [B]

Through Adam, we lost the Holy Spirit, and through Jesus we received back the eternal constant (God/Humility}, equating to the “WORD TRINITY.”           

This is true life scripture; everything living had a beginning and must die and decay. According to scripture, man is the last to arrive on planet earth, and there shall be an end to Mankind. [A]

Spirit that began the universe has no beginning or end!

So, the Creator of the universe is purely SPIRIT.

Today, I am sitting on my deck, on Canada day in Ontario, Ajax.

I am admiring, the sun shining, on the 30-foot tall green, beautiful cherry tree, I planted with a seedling, 30 years ago. With my limited scientific knowledge, I know that the shining green color of the leaves is due to the green living matter, man has named Chlorophyll.

It was thirty years ago, I received my Baptism, the same baptism, my creator baptized his second son (Yeshua) at the Jordon River at the age of 30… 

Man has no clue to this green living vegetation created on the third day of Logos, and so shall be the Red Blood of his first son (Adam) placed in man on the sixth day. Today is day number seven.

This bible truth is only questioned by the unfaithful to the Creator, whose hearts are vexed with “Vanity”.

Creator’s work of healing a vexed human heart to Humility is “Project Jesus”.

Ecclesia is an action of separation, calling out from the rest of the living to be healed and glorified as the caller

To a Christian re-born of the project Jesus, the author of all the 66 books of scripture is the Spirit of Redemption. The fourth book of Wisdom, Ecclesiastes of the preacher was written through a servant-, Solomon. This book is entirely focused on the vanity of the human heart. 

Eve’s reasoning was pure Vanity!

So, from the days of Eve, until the day of Pentecost, Man had no clue to reverse the curse of Death?

Saul was a religious Hebrew servant full of Vanity for the God he served, yet after receiving the gift of the holy Spirit, he was used to preach to the Gentile nations, the project “Humility” (Jesus).  

1Corinthians 15:9,” For I am the least of the apostles and do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.”

Apostolic Christianity was born on the day of Pentecost and shall vanish from this earth on day of Rapture of the Faithful to Christ.

The 39 books of the Hebrew text, take you to the beginning of Mankind and the 27 books of the Apostles of Christ, completes the final return Flight of the faithful to the author of Life. [Grace Train] [A]

The Bible hub at the time of the Apostles is the area of the world, marked as Anatolia and the Caucasus, where all the events took place.

The beginning of Mankind, at the Garden of Eden and the Out-pouring of the eternal power of Redemption for Mankind on the day of Pentecost. [B]

Our modern thought on the “wickedness” of humanity, described in the Bible have been Secularized by the Theologians of Colonial Christianity.

The theological distillate of Scripture is Marketed to the world as Colonial Christianity. [B]

According to Apostolic Christianity: Throughout the Old and New Testament, wickedness boils down to “Lust for personal Honor”.

The greatest example in the history of mankind, is the Greek conquer Alexander the Great! Vanity of the highest order. The Romans and Colonial Christianity honors him as a deity. 

Since the separation of the “Holy Spirit” from Adam, the first human on earth, scripture describe the human heart was filled with wickedness, every thought of man was inclined to wickedness.

God, restarted humanity with one Righteous man Noah, destroying human life after 1000 years of human existence.

The word Faithful is another crucial word watered down by the Theologians who have not experienced the Baptism of Pentecost. [A]

Human history records, the root and the growth of Philosophy, Theology, Academia and civilization of humanity to the Babylonian empire evolving through Greeks and finally ending as the Roman

Colonial missionaries travelled across the globe spreading the Roman Christianity.

Christianity was buttered and sandwiched in the 500-year rule by the Roman slave masters, beginning in 70 BC and defeated by the armies around them in the 6th century after Christ.

Apostolic Christianity was hijacked by the Roman Hierarchy in the 3rd Century after Christ. [A]   

Only scripture has a true explanation, how humanity established kingdoms in every corner of the Globe. Genesis 11:1-9, So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city.”

The wickedness of their hearts grew stronger in the absence of their Maker. Today, wickedness has peaked with every man calling out for their rights to exist. The desire of their corrupted hearts!

Only the Doctrine of the Apostles (Apostolic Christianity), reborn with the heart of the “Prince of Peace” (Christ), preach reconciliation through Grace from the Cross. [B].

The power to erase the sin of wickedness through the baptism of Pentecost. Romans 10:9, “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” [A]



Anatolia and the Caucasus (Asia minor) 1000 BC to 1000AD is the Major Hub of Colonial Christianity, where God sent His son to accomplish His will for Humanity.

In the third Century after the Apostles, Romans were the major power of the Secular world and Christianity of the Apostles were hijacked by the secular world. The true Apostolic Christianity was hidden from the world until the fifteenth century after Christ. [B] 

Today the whole world is reeling with the fruits of the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil”, which was the fruit, our first parents embraced as an alternative to the “Tree of Life”. the vanity of the heart of Eve.

Adam choked himself to death after 930 years on planet earth. [B]

The “Good” portion of the Tree of Knowledge, Eve was snared with, by the enemy of our soul, are the Multitudes of great and deep theological Religions birthed from the Tree of Knowledge? Including “Colonial Christianity. [B]

Every religion portray the “Goodness”, Love and Compassion of humanity built in by the “Almighty” Maker of the Human Machine. [A]

Scripture documents the prophesy for humanity: approximately, 7000 years to-date, Every Monarchy and Kingdoms on earth today displayed the Evil of the Darkness, the Prince of darkness, hid from our first mother “Eve”, when she was approached by the enemy of our soul in the Garden of Eden. [B]

All religions have a beginning, spiritual deities, and brilliance of intellectual philosophy (knowledge). Gods of the Roman empire is the continuation of the Greek Philosophy. Alexander who conquered land up to India was trained by Aristotle, the greatest philosopher of the Greek empire. Aristotle was a student of Socrates and Plato in 350 BC. 

From 400 BC to 1AD, the God of Hebrews did not communicate with the Hebrew nation. For this reason, any books written in that era are excluded from Apostolic Christianity.           

Today, the “Evil” portion of the Tree of knowledge is the Pain and the Anguish of all nations.

All humanity is struggling to understand and fathom the existence of an Almighty Creator and His will (Salvation) for Mankind.

 Scripture is the only written document that reveals to humanity the “Will” and the “Prophesy” of the Almighty Creator for all mankind.

This is the Apostolic Christianity that began on the Day of Pentecost 33 AD. [B]

According to Scripture, the arrival of Christ was scheduled by the Creator of the Universe before the foundation of the Earth. [B]  

By this time, humans have spread all over the Globe in thousands and have established their own aristocratic Kingdoms on every corner of the globe. The Pride, Greed and Jealousy of the Fallen angels of Darkness were the principal super-natural Governors of the heads of these kingdoms.  

Recorded in scripture, until the arrival of the “prince of peace”, the prince of this earth was and still is the enemy of our soul, the Darkness separated by the Almighty Maker of Life on the first day of creation documented by Moses. [B]

Scripture describes eternity as “Timeless”. Revelation12:4, His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth.”

Revealed to the faithful, how a third of the Angels of Light arrived on earth as non-luminous governors of human kingdoms, clamoring for personal honor.

The “prince of peace” is the promise to the nation of Hebrews, through whom all humanity shall receive the deliverance from the stronghold of the Evil of the tree of Knowledge.  

The internet records the wickedness of humans who have mutilated and destroyed human flesh to rule over as monarchs and kings over other human life. The present-day crisis of slavery, discrimination and demeaning of humans, stems directly from the kingdoms before our time. Only scripture regards, every human as a child of the Maker, and only Apostolic Christianity is the Redemption plan for all humanity.  

Considering only the era, from 300BC to 300AD, the atrocity of the Greek Empire of Alexander the Great and the continuation of Roman rule is enough to fathom the Evil of kingdoms of Men. Humans were wicked, treacherous and Evil in exercising power over their fellow men, teaching them the traits of the evil inherited through the tree of knowledge.   

Apostolic Christianity has revealed to the faithful the “time” is yet to come for all whose names are in the “Book of Life”, they shall see the fruit of their Redemption. Romans 8:17, For the Scripture says to the Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.” 18 Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens.”  [B]   

 The Bible records and Scripture accounts: 2000 years of sun rotations as “Time”, when Abram was called out by name by the Creator of humanity to fulfil the promise made to Humanity in Paradise by the Maker of humanity, the Garden where Adam was placed.

This article is all about “Man’s Time”, the Colonial Regime of Asia Minor.

The Bible Hub.

In 27 B.C., Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus was awarded the honorific title of Augustus by a decree of the Senate. So began the Roman empire and the principate of the Julio-Claudians: Augustus (27 B.C.–14 A.D.), Tiberius (14–37 A.D.), Gaius Germanicus, known as Caligula (37–41 A.D.), Claudius (41–54 A.D.), and Nero (54–68 A.D.). The Julio-Claudians, Roman nobles with an impressive ancestry.

Today, even the third world nations rule the people with the Justinian code established by the Romans. 

Apparently, the true work of “Deliverance for humanity”, from birth of Jesus and the Apostolic era lasted only the span of 100 years. The work of the “prince of peace” was hijacked by the Romans in the year 313 AD, the marriage of the Secular Roman religions with the Christianity at that time was the continuation of the wickedness of human Greed, Power and academics of the “Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil described in the first book of the Bible (Genesis). [A]

Today, 90% of humans living on earth have heard the message of the prince of peace. The prophesy of the Apostles of Christ written as the 27 books of the New Testament have not skipped a beat in those who have embraced the 39 books of Justice, of the Hebrew nation.

Today, the population of the Hebrew Abrahamic “Judaism” accounts only 0.18% of the Globe. Abrahamic Christianity accounts for 33% of the Globe.  The prophesy for humanity shall be accomplished through the nation of the Hebrews. The faithful Christian Church today, is the “Immortal invisible Army” of the Almighty Creator of humanity and Apostolic Doctrine is the core power of this un-matched Artillery.

This is the “means of Grace” preached by the Apostles of Christ. [A] 

The Greek and the Roman Theologians coming from the Babylonian empire dating to 1000 years before Christ had no clue to Creation and the work of the Spirit. The statement “the world, the universe was always there and will be there forever” is the theological teaching from the “tree of Knowledge”. This beginning of Logic is the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. Only Apostolic Christianity branches out to the revelation that secures the Creation and the Redemption as “Work of the Spirit.”

The fulfilment of Justice in physical wars of the nation of Israel during the time of David, are revealed to the Faithful as the “Work of the Spirit”, David was just a vessel housing the Spirit of Redemption. Further, wars and physical defeats that took place are negligible events, compared to the atrocities caused by humanity before the calling of Abram. The Bible considers the events as the “will” of an Almighty Creator.

Apostolic Christianity describes a second Death as the final for humanity. All humanity shall see this day as final judgement of all Souls that ever came upon the earth. Matthew 25:31, When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. 32 All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. 33 And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. 34 Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: 35 for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; 36 I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? 38 When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? 39 Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ 40 And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’

41 “Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels: 42 for I was hungry and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink; 43 I was a stranger and you did not take Me in, naked and you did not clothe Me, sick and in prison and you did not visit Me. [B- lake of Fire]

44 “Then they also will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?’ 45 Then He will answer them, saying, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’ 46 And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”

Apostolic Christianity is the only Guarantee for the Gentile nations to see the face of their Creator. [A]


Bible Hub of early Apostolic Christianity.

According to Scripture, God of Hebrews is the God of Creation and the Deliverer of Mankind.

The Hebrew Apostles of Christ wrote and sealed the Plan of Redemption for Humanity before the end of 1st Century after Christ.

The “Holy Spirit” operating in the hearts of the Redeemed is the “Helper” that came upon the Faithful of the Creator God, on the Day of Pentecost.

Those who have embraced the 66 Books of the Bible and have had an experience with the “Redemption plan for Humanity”, and have heard the Voice of their Redeemer shall be the recruits of Christ. [A]

The final battle of Humanity against forces of Darkness shall be the “Battle for Jerusalem”.

The Deliverer of Israel shall come with the Immortal Apostolic Army of Christ.  

 This Army of Christ do not need any Human intervention on the Day of the final Battle.

Just as the days of David, Spirit of God using human vessels, the covenant made by the God of Hebrews to Abraham stands solid as the Rock (Christ). 

Today, even though the nation of Israel is only 0.18% of the Globe, the Immortal Army of Christ shall outnumber the enemies of the Jews to accomplish the “will” of the Creator of Mankind.

Reference [A] 66 Bones That Saw No Decay – By LuckyN- Xulon press 2018.

Reference [B] Lucky’s Blog.

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