“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household.” (Proverbs 31:25–27)
This is the Bride for Christ when He returns to Rapture His Church!
The five books of wisdom are not comprehended by a soul that is not redeemed through Pentecost!
This is why we have only four Gospels revealing the absolute truth of our redemption through a new covenant of redeemed-Blood.
A redeemed soul must receive the same Baptism Given to the Hebrew servant Yeshua to live forever.
100 AD. Scripture was sealed by the Apostles of Christ, The Apostles wrote, any removal or addition to the doctrine they preached becomes a curse to the disobedient.
The four Gospels written to the Jews (Matthew), Romans (Mark), Greeks (Luke) and the Gospel according to John to the Gentiles are the evidence to humanity, the Author is one and the only Spirit of Redemption of Mankind.
If a human soul has embraced the 66 books of the Bible, coming of our savior was promised to mankind, on the day humanity fell from grace in the Heavenly Garden, where Adam and Eve were placed. [B]
Gospel according to Matthew; speaks to the Hebrew nation as their King.
Gospel according to Mark; Speaks to the Romans the slave Master of Humans since the year 300 AD, depicting our Savior as a relentless-Worker.
Gospel according to Luke; portrays our Savior as pure civilized Human Blood (Man).
The Last Gospel according to Apostle John reveals to humanity Jesus as the Son of God through the Sacrifice on the Cross, through all humanity is saved.
Only a soul baptized through Pentecost can hear the voice of the Author of Life hidden in the 66 books of Scripture! [A]
So, we do not need Philosophers, Theologians and intelligent men to teach the Word, as the Word today is living in the Redeemed of Christ, as the living “Body of Christ”.
This is the Living Body of Christ on earth operating in the hearts of the faithful with all the nine Spiritual gifts poured upon humanity on the day of Pentecost.
Corinthians 12; Wisdom of Creation, Knowledge of the holy one, Living Faith, Prophesy, Miracles, Healings, tongues, interpretation of Tongues and last and not the least Discernment of the Spirits.
Making of Adam and his descendants is the complete history of the 39 books of the Old Testament. (In letter)
Redemption of Adam and his descendants shall be the last 27 books of the New Testament. (In letter)
New life in Christ shall be the “Chosen Generation” who shall see the return of Christ!
All the 66 books were the voice of our Maker scrolled in letter by human hands.
The Apostolic Guarantee is written in Blood. Why Blood?
The Apostles of Christ claim; this Blood, has nothing to do with the Blood of goats or any other animals used by the High priests of the Mosaic law, sacrifices in the temple that was destroyed in the year 70 AD., by the Romans. It is the human blood of Jesus, originally that was placed in the heart of the first living temple; Adam.
Hebrews 10:4, “It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.”
Hebrews 4:14,” Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, ] Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. “
A revelation to the Faithful who trust the Scripture as the absolute truth: the Heaven is not a vacuum, but a Realm Barricaded to the Humankind due to the original “Sin”.
According to the Apostolic quote above, only Jesus have overcome this barrier.
The book of Genesis confirms this as the beginning of creation on the first day and human Adam to be hand built by our Maker cell by cell, organ by organ on the sixth day, for the Spirit of the Creator to Rest on the seventh day.
The last organism to arrive on earth is the Human. Again, going by scripture human life on earth is nothing more than 6000 years, revealing the eternal dimension “Time and Space”
All life requires Time and Space to be born, grow, multiply and disappear. Faithful who received the Apostolic Baptism of Pentecost known in their “Hearts”; Creation and Redemption are a mystery to the Human Eye, Ear and the Mind.
Reveals to the Faithful: Human Blood did not arrive from the Ape.
So, the heart of every human born of Eve can house a resting place for the Almighty creator of life.
The first chapter of the book of Joshua, before the Israelites took possession of the Promised land, the God of Irael spoke to his servant Joshua.
The Hebrew name Yeshua is identical to the holy one of Israel, prophesized and appeared on earth 500 years after Moses. Today, 90% of the human globe know this name as Jesus.
2000 years after the day of Pentecost: The prophecy of this name is fulfilled and revealed in our lives through the Apostolic Doctrine practiced during the first century after Pentecost.
The Faithful Church, begun by 120 transformed human hearts who witnessed with their human senses, the transformed, resurrected human Jesus with the promise of returning to their midst.
Transformation of human hearts to the New Way of life on earth was exponential in the region, then called Anatolia.
Soon after, the Acts of the Apostles and the Seven (7) churches begun by the Apostles in the region of Minor Asia (Present day Turkey), bare the clear evidence of the “Will” of our Creator for all Humanity. [B]
[Just a Hint for the reader: according to the statistics on the net, the population of the world today 7.9 billion.
The origin of first world nations is rooted to the civilization of this region where Philosophy and Academia thrived in the human mind.
From the time of Jesus on earth, followed by the first century and the second century statistics the way of the Apostles exploded in the region of Minor Asia.
The cities located on the Anatolian peninsula (Modern day Turkey). Cities of Asia Minor important to the Apostolic Christianity accounts included Alexandria Troas, Assos, Ephesus, Miletus, Patara, Smyrna, Pergamum, Sardis, Thyatira, Philadelphia, Laodicea, Colasse, Attalia, Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, Derbe, and Tarsus. The cities figured prominently in the Apostle Paul’s missionary journeys. Several churches receiving Epistles with full instructions of the “Way of Christ”.
Most notable and prophetically revealed are the Seven Churches documented by Apostle John in the book of Revelation 2 & 3. Among the list are the “Seven Cities” of the book of Revelation. Accurately placed in the perfect timeline of the seven parables lined up leading up to the final days of the Faithful Church on earth by Christ in the Gospel according to Matthew 13. Coinciding with the Apostolic Church, it operated from the day of Pentecost to the present day (2022 AD.) [B]
Today is the Living moment of the current Church Laodicea revealed to the faithful as the church catering to the “Rights of People” (Laodicea).
The four gospels record the full life of the ministry of the Hebrew Rabbi Yeshua with his Apostles, and the event of time of his death and resurrection as the “Third day”.
The third day in scripture is the beginning of Organic-Life, before the planets and the sun placed in the “Vaults” of the Sky (Space). [B]
Today Judaism only account for 0.18% of population who rejected Jesus as a Fraud and a Blasphemer of their God, yet the promise for Abram has prevailed beyond the spoken word (your descendants shall outdo the stars). Genesis 26:4, “I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and will give them all these lands, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed,”
God of Hebrews is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob linking to Jesus whose lineage to the empire of King David.
33% of the Global population has accepted Jesus as the Son of God and another 25% have accepted him as prophet from the Maker of Life.
Joshua 1:5, “No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
According to Scripture: This is the “Un-written Will” of the Maker of Humanity when “They- Trinity” decided to make Adam in Their own image.
The original “Living Temple” of the Almighty! – Creation of Mankind.
The separation of Mankind from the Godhead was inevitable due to Sin of Disobedience.
An Act of Obedience was scheduled in the Heart of Mankind by the Godhead to reconstruct the “Third Temple”- This is Redemption.
Why the Hebrew nation is still waiting for this promise?
The second temple was destroyed due to the unfaithfulness of the Jewish nation.
Acts 6:14, “So they stirred up the people and the elders and the teachers of the law. They seized Stephen and brought him before the Sanhedrin. 13 They produced false witnesses, who testified, “This fellow never stops speaking against this holy place and against the law. 14 For we have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and change the customs Moses handed down to us.”
This Prophesy was accomplished in a remnant of Jews, the Apostles of Christ, the “Faithful Church”.
The Jews will have to wait for the Gentile church with the Jewish root (Jesus) to fulfil ultimate inheritance promised.
The mystery of this prophecy is the Third Temple already built in the Heart of the Faithful Church. It was on the Third day “Almighty God” Made life “the tree of Life” His son Jesus.
The Seed of this tree is the “Substance Faith that comes from eternity” arrived on earth on the day of Pentecost
On the Third day was Life (Vegetation), Moses recorded as Vegetation as he had no other word in his vocabulary to describe Organic-Life)
In “EVE” The “Will” of the Almighty, All the faithful, pre-planned and prescheduled as Prophesy, to arrive on earth at pre-Scheduled times through our human mothers.
The evidence in the written Scripture, the Lord operating in all the Chosen servants, Moses, David, prophets, Barren Mothers who bore them, including Mary the mother of Jesus.
The first magnificent temple was built by Solomon with David adhering to every law set before his heart with Spirit of God operating throughout the battles against establish the God’s kingdom or the David’s Empire.
The Third, the everlasting Temple is the True Apostolic Church invisible to the eyes of the enemy made of All Nations on earth.
Apostolic Faith and the Doctrine separates the True Faithful from the Un-faithful to the Almighty creator of Life.
1 Corinthians 6;19, “do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.”
The faithful Church is the Third Temple where the God-Head manifest today on earth to accomplish the Written- Will of the Almighty.
Reference [A] 66 Bones That Saw No Decay
Reference [B]