ONE NAME (Emmanuel)

One single voice encrypted and sealed in the 66 books of the bible,  one single Spirit of Redemption for all Mankind.

Genesis, the first book of Scripture and the last book “Revelation” is the River of Life flowing from the throne of Supreme and the Soveriegn Creator of the Universe. [B]

For a Christian, who has received the Baptism of Pentecost, this sovereign Creator is the “Father, and Jesus , Baptized at the age thirty with the Spirit of Redemption, accomplished the “will” of our Maker as the Lamb of God.  

This is the current and the unfolding will of our Maker, abiding with us, through a one name; loved and adored by three billion Christians breathing the free element Oxygen to survive on planet earth, yet despised and hated by the rest of humanity, sharing the same elements, provided by the same Creator, including his very own.

Human is born free, only to breathe the free element oxygen. Nothing else is free on this earth?      

Yet the unconditional love of our maker has separated 144,000  humans of his own nation, and a fraction of a trillion souls, from the Gentile nations as the chosen generation from all mankind, christened and sealed as the bride for his begotten Son (Life-Blood).

The secret of human procreation; “Love story of Redemption”, was only revealed to the Hebrew Apostles of Christ through the Baptism of Pentecost.

Luke 14:24, I tell you, not one of those who were invited will get a taste of my banquet.’” .

Reveals to the Faithful through this parable; who are Christened through the Cross, the Chosen, picked-up from the by-ways, through the will of our true eternal Father; invitation to the banquet; the passport to the eternal kingdom, “Redemption”.

On the final judgement day, we shall hear the comforting Word!        

Even though, the Hebrew nation is the favorite of the supreme Spirit of Creation; other than the “Temples they made”, nowhere in the Hebrew scripture mentions a form or a physical dwelling place of this Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient Creator of Life. Jesus taught his Apostles; that this Creator is “our Father” who art in heaven, and hallowed be his name!

Throughout the Hebrew Scripture, the Old Testament, Blood sacrifice was the only atonement for the sin of man. Jesus, at the last supper with his Apostles; made the announcement, “If we do not eat his flesh and drink his blood, we have no part of him”.

According to the Apostolic Doctrine; without the Baptism of Pentecost, we have no part in the project; Redemption. 

The night before he went to the cross, Jesus shared with his Apostles; the Supper that shall make us part of his own body. 

Through the Baptism of Pentecost; The Old Testament prophesy was fulfilled in Christ; today we are the partakers of this eternal food, the eternal body, and the eternal life- blood of Christ.

According to the Hebrew Apostles of Christ; No Hebrew, Arab, Greek or Gentile have access to the Maker of life without the this Baptism of Pentecost.

This is one of the reasons, why Jesus was hated by his own; calling God our Father. When the Hebrews disowned Jesus at the cross, they proclaimed with their own voice, “let his blood be upon our children”. This  was a curse they called upon themselves. Today, 2000 years later the prophesy is fulfilled for all mankind.

Luke 14:24,  I tell you, not one of those who were invited will get a taste of my banquet.’”        

This phrase in scripture reveals to the faithful; the interlectual, brilliance of  the wisdom of human Philosophers, Theologians, and the human Genius’, boils down to zero, for the true children of our Maker.  “The Blind shall lead the Blind.”

Scripture documents, the first breath of our Maker into the nostrils of Adam; Baptism of Pentecost is the “Breath of our Maker”, originally lost by our first parents, reinstalled in the heart of men, today, 6000 years laterof human existance, in captivity to the “tree of knowledge”, in darkness without the Light of Creation.

Psalm 150: 6, Let everything that has breath praise the Lord”.  

No questions asked; all living human, born free and breathing, free oxygen provided by our maker, involuntarily or voluntarily are bandaged to the tree of knowledge. Genesis 3:2,The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”

This snare by the enemy of our soul, still stands true, as the darkness separated on the first day of creation, still feeding from the tree of Knowledge.

The gift  “Discernment of the spirit”, to recognize the snare, is only packaged in the Baptism of Pentecost.

Matthew 4:1, “Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” Jesus coming out of the 40 days fast, after the baptism was tempted by the enemy of our soul.    

The word Organic Chemistry; used by the Scientists and the academia (humans) today is not a coincident or an accident. It is a revelation to the Christians who have received the Baptism of Pentecost. This is the very same Baptism, our Maker Baptized His very own son, announced at the banks of the river Jordon, the only begotten Son (Emmanuel) Matthew 3:16, “As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. 17 And a voice from heaven said, “This is my  

The Chemistry of Life is the Wisdom of our Creator, only revealed to a soul that has accepted the free gift of Pentecost as the “entrance pass” to the eternal kingdom.

Scripture: in the beginning was Spirit (God), the spoken word of God was the origin of Light!

{Organic Chemistry; the first element God created is Light (Photon in the vocabulary of Science), the invention of the electronic microscope has given us the breakdown of the atom and its structure. So today we are absolutely certain; all matter originated from light.

According to scripture; “vegetation was created on the Third day”. Revealing to the faithful to the creator, “Hydrocarbon was the first material created by a sovereign God”.

So Carbon has to be the first pure, solid ingredient. Today we know from science; pure carbon have Allotropy of two forms; Graphite – soft and opaque, absorbing all the rays of Light, and Diamond- The “Hardest” material on earth, transparent, Light passing through this material.}

What is “Faith” to the physical world.           

Written as the “Word‘, the knowledge and the operation of the Carbon atom, and trillions of Hydrocarbon compounds that make up the human constitution was powered by the lost ingredient “Faith”.

Of all the living; only the human was the perfection of His creation. The life of Adam was propelled through Faith.  

The lost latent power, human Chemistry to run for 1000 years, built to perfection, using energy tranfer of atomic re-arrangement.

The prophesy of re-building this perfection is the unfolding mystery of the written “word”.

This is the missing link between Spirit and Matter; clearly revealed to the Apostles of Christ!

Imagine, reading the first chapter of Genesis; On the third day was Vegetation and on the fourth day, the Maker of humanity placed the Planets in their Vaults? 

So, where was the Organic matter, in a formless mass of the universe?

This Earth is the only Heaven for God and Man!

The organic nature of the fossil fuel under the earth, shed light to the truth of the creators’ engineering wisdom, landscaping the earth to bring on the fifth and the sixth realms of living kingdoms. [B]

Our redemption through Christ is not different to a natural Pregnancy. Mary, mother of Jesus was pregnant with the same seed of Faith. This is the miracle of our Faith, to escape from the perishing race of Humanity.

Through the will of our maker; The Seed of Faith, impregnates your heart, immediately begins the rebirth of Emmanuel in our heart, blossoms to a new tree of Life, bearing fruits on this earth, and remains with us as long as we breath the Element Oxygen.

The Chemistry of the “tree of Life” is the beginning of Mankind!

Word of caution to the unfaithful;

The bible documents the age of Adam as 930 chronological years, the faithful to the creator of humanity, who has received the Baptism of Pentecost, who are in communion with the Author of life shall not be deceived by the philosophers, theologians, scientists, or any un-known deities. The bible becomes the Absolute truth and the only “Blueprint of human life”. [B]

The written account; the “Word” is the encyclopedia of the Tree of Life.

Answers to all human agony are hidden in the “Word”, and revealed to those who recognize the “one voice” of the Author of life.

The Bible records the command given to the first Human seed, made from the one and only Tree of Life.

Apostolic Christianity records “Jesus” as the second Adam that replaced the first fallen humanity, the project of our redemption was reinstalled as the only path to eternity. 

So, the written Chemistry recorded in the 66 books, are still the active “Word” operating in the hearts of the Living still breathing the element Oxygen. The presence of water on the first day of creation, reveals to the Faithful as the penultimate elements of Organic Chemistry. The third element Carbon, made on the third day was the beginning of “Organic” material.

Beginning with Hydrogen, which is a gas combining with Oxygen, which is also gaseous, to form water, all made from the same ingredient.  Light is also the base ingredient of the third element Carbon. [B]

So, third element Carbon, having the atomic structure of six electrons orbiting around a nucleus, reveals to the faithful; creation of man on the sixth day of creation is Precicon work of a Sovereign Creator.

Scripture is not just words, but precistion recording, unaccountable to the logic of man. This is the wisdom of a sovereign creator.       

According to the written word; there was nothing called “Time” or “Universe” until the fourth day of creation.

As a faithful child of the Creator (Our Father) 

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.”

If we are fed with the true bread (Jesus) and we walk in the narrow path, we shall sustain the everlasting life. Gospel of John 14:6,Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

The focus of the scripture; is the beginning and the path to eternity for humans, as written by chosen servants inspired by the Author of Life.

A good start would be to analyze and probe in to Organic Chemistry!  

This would be the mystery of the Carbon Atom.

Science tells us that Matter cannot be destroyed nor created.

Revealed to an organic chemist with the Baptism of Pentecost; there is nothing called “Naturally occurring matter”.

All Matter and the Energy of the universe has nothing to do with humans or their actions. The sovereign Creator of the universe has allocated and shall operate forever, according to his plan.    

This is where we draw the line between the mentality of the Faithful to the Creator and the Faithless.

Reference [A] 66 Bones That Saw no Decay – Xulon Press 2018.

Reference [B]


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